A Family Affair
As Andy was not able to attend Club last Tuesday, I thought I would do the blog for him.
As the title suggests, my brother-in-law Steve Yates, who is a reputable judge and speaker in the South of England, was kind enough to offer to show his landscape photography to us.
The only cost was two nights B&B at our house with a sumptuous lamb dinner thrown in!
Steve was first introduced to ‘proper’ photography nearly 40 years ago when Dick showed him his darkroom prints. Steve was hooked and from then on every time we met up in Crawley or he came to us, various photography outings were arranged.
The prints Steve showed on Tuesday were therefore a combination of Essex scenes that we all recognised as Upminster members together with Sussex images that were new to us but inspirational in their content. There were also additional images from around the UK and abroad.
Steve and my sister Marian walk miles every weekend to access areas of countryside that are well presented in his images. It’s Steve’s timing of the light and his patience waiting for the sun to appear or the mist to clear that gives a certain quality to his photography.
He enjoyed the evening and meeting up with old friends. I hope you enjoy again some of his images shown below.
 Shifting Sands
 Striding Edge
 The Oaks