It is always an advantage to know the judges likes and dislikes, so you can image my disappointment after spending the best part of a week with a pencil, ruler and a sharp knife turning my portrait and landscape format prints into square format, I ended up with people with no heads, a magnificent 60ft wave that was turned into a ripple all to no avail. If only he had asked me about highly commended a couple of prints early I would have ended up with something. Instead I have invested in shares in a Canvas Wrap company although most of dividends will be spent having my own prints done.
Still I guess we should all feel sorry for those hardly landscape photographers that get up before dawn (believe me she gets up very early), travel miles to get the right sunrise photos and travel home after dark all for nothing. Never mind a?
However, one has got to have every sympathy for Eric, I know that I go one about the length of titles but on this occasion I would not have minded “A Very Big Hill in Scotland Covered in Snow”   Because lets face it after the judges comments after last week and this “Black Mount” was not going to win anything.
Congratulations to Dave for a late rally to win the Advanced and overall competition after some really rubbish scores. Although I was a bit suspicious after last week when he said he would leave his vote of thanks and comments on the judge until this week. My guess is that he sent two versions of his comments to the judge one complimentary the other not and it was up to the judge which one he wanted read out, he just had to make the right decision.