If I thought last week Rosie Pines was my kind of woman. I found the perfect woman on Tuesday evening. As someone who obviously enjoyed creating stuff in the kitchen, and liked her wine it was a match made in heaven. She is also a Rugby fanatic and I’m sure she could get us some world cup tickets.
I admit I was a bit concerned that her first attempt at water splashes involved wine, I thought what a waste, however, she quickly realised that it was not going to work substitute wine was used, the same with the Brandy. One thing that wasn’t answered was when she showed us the shots from each session, and told us her favourite, she did not say if it was one of the first images taken or the influence of the alcohol that improved the pictures. 
Food packaging would be a good excuse to eat, Pringle tubes, I’m sure good use can be made of Chinese Takeaway tin foil containers, the list must be endless, of course it is best to order and eat the takeaway ,then think of what could be done with them. Developing dishes for end prints?
She even did the washing up, brilliant.
Thanks to Sylvia, the last couple of weeks we have had a couple of inspirational speakers, who if you did not want to get into audio visual or water splashes, certainly should have inspired us to improve our photography.
Note to Lin, next time Dave says he would like to go to an exotic location to take stunning images just remind him of what he said on Tuesday about not having to go to exotic places but only as far as the kitchen to take stunning images.  

Something exotic? Have a tube of Pringles Jalapeno instead