Fun Club Print Competition
A light hearted look at a light hearted fun evening to get us in the mood for Christmas and the season of goodwill to all men.
Thanks to all those who brought prints and those who don’t print but joined in to make the evening enjoyable.
The rules of the competition are simple, there is’nt any. I’m sure that whoever first thought of the competition thought long and hard about the rules and criterior that each team should follow before submitting their prints, then thought sod it let them put up want they want and let the judge sort it out and mark them accordingly.
Congratulations to Team A for winning and the understated way they excepted their victory, although I thought Lin’s double somersault and back flip was over the top, although if I had just won a box of Jelly Babies I would probably have done the same.
Commiserations to Team B although we were the strongest team (at the bottom holding everyone else up). We were also the most consistent scoring 2 in most rounds. At our post competition de-brief we decided that next year we would bring our best prints.
Star of The Evening
This goes to our judge who entered into the spirit of the evening with light hearted comments on the prints (without being insulting to the author) and self depreciating comments on his judging. He also managed to rename a famous scottish landmark Eilean Donan Castle to a well known author Conan Doyle Castle. What next? Any ideas? send them to me and there will be a prize for the best one, can’t promise anything as exciting as a box of Jelly Babies.
He also revealed the type of image he likes. So next time he is here to judge, I will be submitting an image of a couple canoodling on a washing line that is full of ladies underwear.
After finishing in the bottom team last night and in the team that came last in the Safari, I believe that I must be a bit of a Jonah, I mentioned this in case you are looking for someone for your team for next years Safari I am available at a price.
Next Week
Looking forward to next week, if you are bringing a raffle prize please wrap it, and if you want to drink out of a proper glass please bring your own.I have looked out my cut glass crystal pint mug.