Christmas Party
The Band
Thanks to the BTEC Band for providing the live music for the evening. it was good of them to give up their evening to entertain a group of old fogies. Their love and enthusiasm for their music was clear to see.
The Buffett
Thanks to Jan for a lovely spread, with plenty for all. There was some left overs, which pleased Alf as he said said that was lunch sorted for the rest of the week.
The Bar
Well done to Andy Brett and David Lund for running the bar, I’ve never seen a barman juggle plastic glasses when mixing a cocktail before. Still it saved clearing up broken glass.
The Quiz
Dennis excelled himself again with a set of questions on the theme of Christmas. Congratulations to the winning team, although looking at them I guess if you added up their total age they have probably celebrated more christmases than the rest of us put together. In fact one of their team told me he has got an original copy of A Christmas Carol, that he bought when it was originally published.
The Auction
Gordon was again on top form, with the gavel, with not so much to work with this year he soon got into his stride and was getting us to spend, still with his commission he made he should be able to fund another photo safari.
It was the first time I have seen a bidder tell the auctioneer what lots to auction and what price they were going to pay, but then to be out bid by someone else. Anyway, what is wrong with mulled wine?
Johna Watch
My odds for being on the winning team on The Safari lengthened last night as it was the second year running that I have not won a raffle prize.
Looking forward to that picture winning print of the year and adorning the wall at the back of the hall.
Good and accurate account of last nights events. The title for your image should be "Perpetual motion"