It was back in the stalls again this week, with the promise of an early night with the judge saying that he would have a result by 9:30. and he was as good as his word.Unfortunately he was looking at the new? clock on the wall, which was an hour slow.
Almost straight away we were back with Max Bygraves and “I’m A pink Toothbrush Your A Blue Toothbrush.” From light entertainment to the serious side of television when he informed us that he spent three years on Panorama. Probably investigating the great Photo Shop scandal of the “Halo Rings” on the JPS Special cars. I thought that as they were John Player cars they were smoke rings.
So that is the annual competitions over for another year, thank you to all those who have entered their images into the various competitions especially the prints. Well it keeps me off the streets.
Also thank you for returning the trophies for engraving, well actually Janet is out in the garden as I write this, feeding them into the Chiminea to melt them down for scrap, there is a lens I have seen that I would like, but no funds to pay for it.
That will look good in the Trophy Cabinet