First of all I would like to apologise for the spelling mistakes in last weeks blog. Thanks to Sylvie for pointing it out. You spell Tomato I spell Tomatoe, lets call the whole thing off. However, I did check and there are two L’s in b-ll—s.
Thanks to Rosie for an informative evening, I don’t what she pines for, although I don’t think it is for living in Essex. However, she is my kind of woman, in forty years of marriage I have never been told to stop washing up. Although she did not say whether he had to carry on after she had taken her pictures and if he was allowed to use clean hot water. After all these things are important.

There was a variety of sequences all of which were very well put together, the thing that I got out of it was that this was an environmentally friendly way to show your pictures. By re-cycling the images you would not normally show, a bit of music and some phasing in and out. Easy isn’t? Well o/k you need imagination and some skill to put it altogether.

Got the music, could be a long sequence 