I have just come out of my darkened room after last Tuesday evening. I don’t know who introduced Jane to landscape photography, I just wish that he introduced her to an area of photography that she could have got enthusiastic about. 
The lure of the stage struck again. Saying that she felt like Madonna with the mike on. Right figure, wrong colour hair and wrong type of bra. As for the boots, with the best will in the world pink rubber is not thigh length leather.
As Margaret said after she had told us about her camera bag got flooded by a wave and how she sat on her filter case and dropped all her lenses, more like Calamity Jane. 
Thought it was a good idea when she said that it was useful to have someone to erect and place your tripod for you. Sorry Jim but Margaret said that isn’t going to happen.
I think that she confirmed with her talk and images what Eric has told us in the past, early mornings and detailed preparation produce amazing images.
Interesting what she said about converting to mono. and how speakers ask what do you prefer, I know what she meant, I used to be indecisive, but I’m not sure now.

What Do You Prefer?