The print and projected images competitions have been held and as usual the time was tight on each evening to finish on time. Especially last week, whilst many were thinking that we have got to be out by 10,  my main worry that we would over run not by a few minutes but by 26 hours, taking us into 1st October and that we would not be allowed to leave until we had paid our annual subs. I did notice Lin move to her table and start to set up so that she could collect our fees.
The two evenings gave us different types of photograph genre in the winning images in the advanced sections Mono portraiture and landscapes in the print and wasn’t it good to see Natural History make a come back after a few months in the doldrums in the digital images. 
My favourite image of the two weeks was the suckling pigs, if only because it reminded me of the Ogden Nash poem.
The Pig, unless I’m much mistaken,
Gives us, sausage, ham and bacon,
Let others say his heart is big
I call it stupid of the pig.
Can I Smell Breakfast?