An evening in which our chairman shared his love of photography and Bernard shared his germs. Sorry Brian but you missed out this time. At least I now know why people like to sit right at the back.
Some of us had to suffer for our art, hiring private planes for a 22 hour flight to Sydney, and hoping the lighting was just right when we got there. The more dedicated among us drank endless cups of tea and ate copious amounts of cake. Eating over a dozen Cadbury cream eggs just to get the shot just right is not any kind of fun.
Sylvia’s idea of heaven was going to be sweet themed until Dick told her she would have to eat them afterwards. We would have helped you out Sylvia you should have brought your props up to the club to be disposed of.
How lucky was Stephen to get the winning lottery numbers just before the competition. I checked how much he won. On the basis of that I have sent him my wish list of camera gear, that he can get me with his winnings. Such a generous man.
The one bit of disappointment of the evening for me was that Lin had not entered anything. I was so looking forward to seeing a picture taken at Birdworld, unless she is waiting
for the set subject. My Idea of Hell.
Where’s Lin?