An evening in which we saw some innovative ways of mounting panel prints. From Eric’s images getting larger as the Conker grew and Dick’s “contemporary stlye”. No Dennis contemporary does not mean small.
Personally I think Dick’s “Tradesman’s Eye” let him down, not only did he cut the windows in the mounts too small, but they were not even in the centre.
Another innovation to come from the evening was a minimalist panel. This time it did mean small. A good reason not sit right at the back, actually you could not see it sitting at the front.
This method does save on printing paper and make it easier to put up on the boards.
One encouraging thing to come out of the evening was Mandy’s panel of Southwold Pier.(Even though the judge kept playing hide the 6th print), it showed that you do not have to get up at the crack of dawn to get a good picture of the pier, good news for those of us that do not know that five o’ clock in the morning does not exist.
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