Luckily I had my ears candled that morning our I might have heard Richard say he had been to the Travel Agents and booked a holiday in Inverness. What he did say was I have been to the Estate Agent and bought a house in Budapest.
I did think that with today’s technology and with the expertise at our disposal at the club he would have been able to facetime us with his comments. I did talk to him about this during the evening. He confirmed that the club had asked him about doing that, but he was concerned that we would not be able to hear him properly and that it would sound muffled and soft.
There was some worried mumbles when it was announced there was only six entries, like that has shortened the odds on us winning. Scores of nines and tens were greeted with “Oh that’s good, it’s not one ours.” Or if it was one of theirs “Oh no I know I should have put that other one in.”
Congratulations to Stephen & Mandy for getting the prized position of second.
Commiseration to the two John’s for winning.
John receiving the Poisoned Chalice from Alf, Joe & Richard
(Notice how Alf tries to get as far away from the trophy as he can)