Just having recovered from a Natural History free monthly print after which I had to lie in a darkened room for 24hrs and then sort through my Christmas Cards for one with an of a Robin on it.
Luckily normal service was resumed last week with our usual variety of birds and wildlife.
I have noticed that some of you have reverted to using long titles again. This is all very well but it will mean the club having to purchase bigger labels and therefore more expense.
Therefore I’am proposing that at the next committee meeting that we limit the number of letters in the titles to 10 and deduct marks if breached, this will make it easier and quicker to write the certificates at the end of the evening leading to less pressure on myself and Sylvia and possibly neater handwriting so that the chairman can read the titles.
I was happy to stand in for Sylvia last week to help Dick, there was a slight problem that when I went to score the advanced work, I was concerned that in the run through the images were not sharp, then I realised that I still had my reading glasses on.
Good news for Jim in that he has now got a super duper hearing aid that makes everything so much clearer. However, Margaret tells me he has to turn it off every Saturday at 5pm. so that he does not have to hear the Norwich City football result.
Minus 50 points