
1st Rough Weather at Newhaven by Brian Clark

2nd Morning Fresh Air by Rana Chakraborty

3rd Thames Barrier by Rana Chakraborty

H.C. Osea Beach Hut by Kevin Sykes

Rough weather at Newhaven
Morning Fresh Air
Thames Barrier
Osea Beach Hut


1st Soft Tulips by Iris Donovan

2nd Whitby Lighthouse by Iris Donovan

3rd Peony by Iris Donovan

Soft Tulips
Whitby Lighthouse


1st Sunset on The Border by Malcolm Hines

2nd Peyto Lake by Malcolm Hines

3rd Late Night Shopper by Peter Owen

H.C. Narrow Lane, Valletta by Malcolm Hines

Sunset on the Border
Peyto Lake
Late night shopper
Narrow Lane, Valletta