Our annual PDI competition was judged by our old friend Vic Hainsworth ARPS DPAGB APAGB. Who critiqued and commented on our images in a precise and succinct manner.

As a perfect end to International Women’s Day the winners of all three sections were ladies.


1st Fallow Deer by Iris Donovan

2nd Early Morning Mist at Buttermere by John Hastings

3rd Pink Rays by Iris Donovan

H.C. Let There Be Light by David Lund

H.C. Dandelion Seed by Dave Wilcox

H.C. Crested Tit by Reg Mellis

Fallow Deer
Early Morning Mist at Buttermere
Pink Rays
Let there be light
Dandilion seed


1st Three of A Kind by Jean Gerrish

2nd Margaret by Jean Gerrish

3rd Human Lights V Northern Lights by Malcolm Hines

H.C. Capot Centre Docklands by Richard Saville

H.C. A Peeled Back Tulip by Malcolm Hines

H.C. The Volunteers by Jean Gerrish

Three of a kind
Human Lights V Northern Lights
Capot Centre Docklands
A Peeled Back Tulip
The Volunteers

1st Like Mother Like Daughter by Chris Pugh

2nd Shade Seeker by Chris Pugh

3rd We Can Do This by Chris Pugh

Like Mother Like Daughter
Shade Seeker
We can do this!

Annual PDI of The Year

Like Mother Like Daughter by Chris Pugh

Like Mother Like Daughter