
1st Tethered Boat by John Hastings

2nd Sunrise Over An Abandonded Bothy b John Hastings

3rd Total Commitment by Brian Titchiner

H.C. Nature’s Own Vanishing Act by Sunny Naredia

Tethered Boat
Sunrise Over An Abandoned Bothy
Total Commitment
Nature’s Own Vanishing Act


1st Southwark Cathedral by Alf Ellis

2nd Milky Way by Kevin Petts

3rd Essex Iguana by Richard Saville

H.C. Iam Waiting Over Here by Gary Carter

Southwark Cathedral
Milky Way
Essex Iguana
I am Waiting Over Here


1st Yellow Lily by Chris Walters

2nd Balmy Balmy Nights by Glen Chandler

3rd Coming Through by Mark Wells

H.C. How The Other Half Live by Glen Chandler

Yellow Lily
Balmy Balmy Nights
Coming Through
How The Other Half Live